Daughters of Sarah
A Daily Devotional for Women


Why "Daughters of Sarah?" From my earliest memories, I recall a fervent desire to try to please the Lord and be all that He wanted me to be.

I have often struggled in my Christian life, trying to determine what exactly is it that God requires of me as a believing woman?

Too often, I have stepped back and examined myself, only to discover that I was out of harmony with the picture that God had drawn in His Word.

"Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord:  whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement."
I Peter 3:6

When I attempted to determine the cause of my failure, I came to the conclusion that there were three factors that contributed to my defeat.

In Daughters of Sarah, I share my heart with you. This book of women's devotions is really my own personal daily devotions caught on paper as I studied the Scriptures that were written specifically "to" or "about" women in the Word of God.

By sharing my thoughts and feelings with you, it is not my intention to convince you of "my way of thinking." Rather, I hope it will inspire you to search the Scriptures yourself and seek to know God's personal plan for your own life.

As you read my personal meditations, you may disagree with some of the conclusions I drew as the Lord was speaking to my heart. Each short chapter includes a place for you to record your own personal thoughts and feelings, as the Holy Spirit teaches you through the verses we discuss.

To Order Daughters of Sarah


Daughters of Sarah is 160 pages and 40 chapters. This daily devotional for women is currently only available as a digital ebook ready for immediate download.

If you'd like to get started reading my women's devotion book immediately, you will instantly be able to download and open the book as soon as you make payment.  You can simply download the book and read it right from your computer, tablet, or phone. 

If you want to print it out for yourself to read as a hard copy and take notes, please feel free to do so.  I'm also quite happy for you to purchase one copy for your church and print out as many as needed if you want to use it as a springboard for any ladies Bible study group. 

The cost for the digital version of Daughters of Sarah is only $7.00.  You can purchase it by clicking on the Paypal "Add to Cart" button below. If you are unhappy with your purchase after reading the book, you can notify me within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price.

It is my sincere desire that through reading this book of women's devotions you will be drawn closer to the Heavenly Father and strengthened and encouraged to
become all that God desires for you.                                                                                                 


Daughters of Sarah by Angie BergDaughters of Sarah by Angie BergDaughters of Sarah by Angie Berg

If you are unable to purchase my book, or are eager to start reading, please enjoy the following chapters for free...

  • An Eye for Quality
  • Preparedness
  • Giving to the Needy
  • Strengthening Her Husband's Influence
  • Strength and Honor
  • Wisdom and Kindness
  • Guardian of the Home
  • Call Her Blessed
  • Many Virtuous Women
  • Inward and Outward Appearance
  • Fruit for Our Labors
  • Learning in Silence
  • Biblical Submission
  • Godly Reverence
  • Wearing a Modest Attitude
  • Usurping Authority
  • Teachers of Good Things
  • Winning Your Husband
  • Daughters of Sarah

I hope this is a blessing to you!

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